4-659-577-12 (1)
Me m o ry St ick
Ca m e ra Mo d u le
Operating Instructions
2001 by Sony Corporation
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numerique de la classe B est conforme a la norme NMB-003 du
This equipment complies with EMC regulations when used in the following
• Residential area
• Business district
• Light-industry district
(This equipment complies with the EMC standard regulations EN55022 Class B.)
- Sony, the Sony logo, CLIÉ, the CLIÉ logo, CLIÉ GEAR, the CLIÉ GEAR logo,
CLIÉ Paint, Jog Dial, Memory Stick, Magic Gate Memory Stick, and
PictureGear are the trademark of Sony Corporation.
- Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
- Palm OS, Graffiti, and HotSync are registered trademarks of Palm, Inc., or its
subsidiaries. Palm Desktop and the HotSync logo are trademarks of Palm, Inc.,
or its subsidiaries.
- All other system names and model names are trademarks of their respective
owners. In the text of this Operating Manual, TM and ® marks are not used.
Before using this camera, be sure to read the supplied End-User’s License
• Menus shown in the instructions may differ slightly from the actual menus in
the software.
• The explanations in the instructions assume a good understanding of the
operations of Windows. For information on the operation of your computer
and operating system, see their respective manuals.
Ta b le o f Co n t e n t s
What you can do with the Memory Stick Camera Module ............................ 5
Read the following before using your camera ................................................. 5
Identifying the parts ............................................................................................. 7
Recording images with the camera .................................................................. 11
How to read the online manual ........................................................................ 16
Viewing recorded images .................................................................................. 17
Playing back recorded images (PictureGear Pocket) .......................... 17
Specifications ....................................................................................................... 23
BBe fo re Yo u Be g in
Wh a t yo u ca n d o w it h t h e Me m o ry
St ick Ca m e ra Mo d u le
You can record still images with this camera. (The images are recorded in
PictureGear Pocket (PGP) format and stored in your CLIÉ handheld.)
There is a wide range of uses for your recorded images, including:
• Attach them to email with CLIÉ Mail, or draw and paint on them with
CLIÉ Paint.
• Make a slide show with Photo Stand.
• Use PictureGear Pocket to convert your images to DCF, the standard
format for digital still cameras, and manipulate them with other graphics
programs on your personal computer.
Re a d t h e fo llo w in g b e fo re u sin g yo u r
ca m e ra
This camera works only with the CLIÉ handheld. It cannot be used with
any other Memory Stick equipment, such as personal computers.
Th is ca m e ra is n o t co m p a t ib le w it h t h e fo llo w in g CLIÉ
m o d e ls:
PEG-S300 series and N700 series (OS Version 3.x)
Pict u re Ge a r Po cke t Ve rsio n 2.1 o r h ig h e r is re q u ire d .
If you have version 2.0 or earlier of PictureGear Pocket installed in your
CLIÉ handheld, install PictureGear Pocket Version 2.1 from the supplied
installation CD-ROM. For installation instructions, please refer to the
"Installing the necessary software" (page 8) in this Operating Manual.
Ch e ck t h e it e m s su p p lie d
Check to make sure the package contains all of the following items.
If any items are missing, contact your Sony dealer or local authorized Sony
service facility.
Memory Stick Camera Module (PEGA-MSC1)
Installation CD-ROM (1)
Operating Instructions for PEGA-MSC1 (1)
Hard case (1)
Warranty card (1)
End-User’s License Agreement (1)
In st a llin g t h e n e ce ssa ry so ft w a re
Before using the Memory Stick Camera Module, install the “Memory
Stick” Camera application software and the PictureGear Pocket Version 2.1
software into your CLIÉ handheld from the supplied CD-ROM.
To install this software, you need a Windows computer which has the
CLIÉ Palm Desktop software installed and which has a connection to your
CLIÉ handheld. Make sure that the local HotSync between the Windows
computer and the CLIÉ handheld works properly.
Insert the supplied installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM
drive of your Window s computer.
The initial installation screen appears.
Click [Installation of softw are for Memory Stick Camera
The installer submenu appears.
Select the softw are you w ish to install.
Select PictureGear Pocket Version 2.1* (required) and CLIÉ Paint
* This step is not necessary if PictureGear Pocket Version 2.1 or above
is already installed on your CLIÉ handheld.
Click [Install].
Select your user name from the user list.
Click [Exit].
Press the HotSync button on the cradle.
HotSync starts and the software is transmitted to your CLIÉ handheld.
BRe co rd in g
At t a ch in g t h e ca m e ra t o yo u r CLIÉ
h a n d h e ld
Before using your camera for the first time, be sure to install the necessary
software onto your CLIÉ handheld before attaching the camera. For details
on the installation procedure, refer to “Installing the necessary software”
(page 8).
Insert the camera firmly into the Memory Stick slot of your CLIÉ
handheld in the direction show n below .
Memory Stick slot
Do not insert or remove the camera while starting or closing the
camera’s software, or the CLIÉ handheld may behave unpredictably.
At t a ch in g t h e ca m e ra t o yo u r CLIÉ h a n d h e ld
(Co n t in u e d )
Disco n n e ct in g t h e ca m e ra
To disconnect the camera, close the “Memory Stick” Camera application
and then remove the camera by pushing it in once (1) and pulling it
straight up out of the memory stick slot of the CLIÉ handheld (2).
Pulling up on the camera without first pushing it in may damage both the
camera and the Memory Stick slot of the CLIÉ handheld.
Wh e n n o t in u se
When you are not using the camera, remove it from the CLIÉ handheld,
and put it into the supplied hard case.
Supplied hard
Re co rd in g im a g e s w it h t h e ca m e ra
You can record images with the camera by inserting it into the CLIÉ
handheld and using the “Memory Stick” Camera application. For the
installation procedure for the “Memory Stick” Camera application, refer to
“Installing the necessary software” (page 8).
Attach this camera to CLIÉ handheld.
You can insert the camera without turning off the power of the CLIÉ
handheld. For details, refer to “Attaching the camera to your CLIÉ
handheld” (page 9).
Start the “Memory Stick” Camera application.
Inserting the camera to CLIÉ handheld, or tapping the
icon starts
the “Memory Stick” Camera application.
For details, refer to “Recording images” in the Operating Manual for
the “Memory Stick” Camera application, included in PDF format on
the CD-ROM.
Aim the lens at w hatever you w ant to take a picture of.
Re co rd in g im a g e s w it h t h e ca m e ra (Co n t in u e d )
Tap the CAPTURE button on the screen w ith the stylus to
record an image.
You can also record images by pressing the Jog Dial navigator.
Saving an image in the CLIÉ handheld may take a few moments.
For more details on this process, refer to “Recording images” in the
Operating Manual for the “Memory Stick” Camera application,
included in PDF format on the CD-ROM.
Aft e r re co rd in g im a g e s w it h t h e ca m e ra
Tap the Home
icon to close “Memory Stick” Camera application, and
then disconnect the camera from the CLIÉ handheld.
Recording an image of yourself
While looking through the finder of the camera, you can record yourself by
turning the lens toward you.
To prevent images from being inverted or reversed, the camera
automatically enters the inversion/ mirror-reverse mode when you turn it
toward yourself. This mode is canceled when the camera is put back into
the normal position.
Although images are reversed in the finder, they are recorded normally
without being reversed.
Re co rd in g im a g e s w it h t h e ca m e ra (Co n t in u e d )
“Memory Stick” Camera application
The following is a brief explanation of the screen that appears when you
start the “Memory Stick” Camera application.
To set each function, tap the buttons on the screen with the stylus or use
the Jog Dial navigator.
For detailed procedures, refer to the Operating Manual for the “Memory
Stick” Camera application, included in PDF format on the CD-ROM.
Displays the remaining
amount of battery power.
Indicates the
remaining number
of images you can
record with the
amount of memory
currently available
in the CLIÉ
Indicates the
current Jog
Dial function.
Fin d e r
Displays the
image the
camera is
currently seeing.
In it ia l se t t in g b u t t o n
Takes you to a screen where you can adjust various camera
settings, including the capture sound, the white balance, and
the effect setting.
Brig h t n e ss b u t t o n
Sets the brightness.
Im a g e size b u t t o n
Toggles between the 160 x 120 and 320 x 240 image modes.
Whichever image mode you choose, the image displayed on
the screen of the CLIÉ handheld remains the same size.
CAPTURE b u t t o n
Tap this button to record an image.
Vie w e r st a rt in g b u t t o n
Starts the PictureGear Pocket software to play back recorded
Tim e r b u t t o n
Tap this button to record an image with the timer. After the
timer button lights in orange, press the capture button. An
image will be recorded automatically in about 10 seconds.
This feature allows you time to enter the scene and be
included in the picture.
Ho w t o re a d t h e o n lin e m a n u a l
Detailed information on the “Memory Stick” Camera application,
PictureGear Pocket application, and CLIÉ Paint is provided in the online
manual on the supplied CD-ROM.
To view the online manual, the Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or
higher, must be installed on your computer.
Insert the supplied CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM
drive .
The install screen appears automatically.
Click Manuals.
Double-click an appropriate PDF-formatted manual.
• For "Memory Stick" Camera Application, select [Memory Stick
Camera Manual.pdf].
• For PictureGear Pocket, select [PictureGear Pocket Manual.pdf].
• For CLIÉ Paint, select [CLIÉ Paint Manual.pdf].
If the Acrobat Reader softw are is not installed or is a version
earlier than 4.0
Insert the supplied CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM
The install screen appears automatically.
Click Exit.
Double-click the My Computer icon on your Window s
Right-click the CD-ROM drive icon, and click Open from the
shortcut menu.
Double-click the PC folder.
Double-click the Acrobat folder.
Double-click the ar500enu.exe to install Acrobat Reader onto
your computer.
Vie w in g re co rd e d im a g e s
St o ra g e fo rm a t fo r re co rd e d im a g e s
Images recorded with this camera using the “Memory Stick” Camera
application are saved in PictureGear Pocket (PGP) format. To manipulate
images with other graphics programs on your personal computer, use
PictureGear Pocket to convert them to DCF, the standard format for digital
still cameras. For more details, refer to the Operating Manual for
PictureGear Pocket, included in PDF format on the CD-ROM.
Playing back recorded images (PictureGear
To play back a recorded image, you can directly start PictureGear Pocket
from the “Memory Stick” Camera application screen.
Tap the
icon on the low er right of the screen of the “Memory
Stick” Camera application.
PictureGear Pocket starts in camera application mode and displays a
recorded image.
Vie w in g re co rd e d im a g e s (Co n t in u e d )
When you want to use all features of PictureGear Pocket, tap the Home
button on CLIÉ handheld to go to the Home screen. By tapping the
icon on the Home screen, PictureGear Pocket starts in full function mode.
For further details on the operation of PictureGear Pocket, please refer to
the Operating Manual for PictureGear Pocket, included in PDF format on
the CD-ROM.
To re t u rn t o t h e “ Me m o ry St ick” Ca m e ra a p p lica t io n
Tap the
icon on the PictureGear Pocket application screen.
You can also return to the “Memory Stick” Camera application by pressing the
BACK button on CLIÉ handheld.
Dra w in g o n re co rd e d im a g e s (CLIÉ
Pa in t )
You can draw pictures and letters on recorded images with the stylus.
Tap the
icon on the low er right of the screen w hen a
recorded image is show n on PictureGear Pocket in full function
CLIÉ Paint starts, allowing you to draw on the image shown on the screen.
icon is not shown on PictureGear Pocket when it is in camera
application mode.
For details on this operation, please refer to the Operating Manual for
CLIÉ Paint, included in PDF format on the CD-ROM.
BAd d it io n a l In fo rm a t io n
Pre ca u t io n s
Storing the Memory Stick Camera Module
• When you are not using the Memory Stick Camera Module, remove it
from the CLIÉ handheld, and store it in the supplied hard case.
• Carrying your CLIÉ handheld with the Memory Stick Camera Module
inserted may damage both the camera and the Memory Stick slot of the
CLIÉ handheld.
Places to avoid with the Memory Stick Camera
Avoid the following situations both when using or storing the Memory
Stick Camera Module:
• Extremely hot places
Car interiors, for example, may become extremely hot in direct sunlight.
If the Memory Stick Camera Module is left inside, it may be damaged.
• Direct sunlight or heat-generating equipment
• Sandy places.
Do not expose the Memory Stick Camera Module to sand or dust. Such
conditions may damage the Memory Stick Camera Module beyond
possibility of repair.
• Facing the sun
Allowing the lens to face the sun for extended periods can damage the
Memory Stick Camera Module. Avoid this when leaving the Memory
Stick Camera Module outside or near a window.
On operation
• Do not lay any objects on top of the Memory Stick Camera Module.
• Avoid forcing the Memory Stick Camera Module to change temperature
rapidly. Extreme temperature changes can cause moisture to condense
inside the camera, and using the camera with condensed moisture inside
can damage it. When you must take the camera between temperature
extremes, such as taking it from a cold outdoor setting into a heating
building, do not turn the camera on immediately. Give the moisture time
to evaporate.
The lens
Do not touch the lens of the Memory Stick Camera Module.
On handling CD-ROM discs
For the safety of data recorded on the disc, note the following.
• Do not attach paper or anything else to
the disc, and do not scratch its surface.
• When you hold the disc, do not touch
the unlabeled side (playback side).
• Do not store the disc in dusty places, in direct sunlight, near heat-
generating equipment, or in a humid area.
• Store the disc inside its case.
Cle a n in g
Cleaning the Memory Stick Camera Module
To clean the Memory Stick Camera Module, wipe it with a soft, dry cloth.
If more aggressive cleaning is necessary, use a soft cloth lightly moistened
with a mild detergent solution. Do not use a thinner, benzine, or alcohol,
which can damage the camera's finish.
Cleaning the lens
To clean the lens of the Memory Stick Camera Module, use a blower brush
or a soft brush.
Cleaning the CD-ROM disc
Fingerprints or dust may cause errors when the disc is read. To clean the
disc, wipe the disc gently with a soft cloth, always moving from the center
of the disc to its outer edge.
Sp e cifica t io n s
Imaging device
1/ 6 type, 100,000 pixel, CMOS image sensor
f=2.65 mm
Shutter speed
Capture size
160 × 120 pixels, 320 × 240 pixels
Maximum outside dimensions (approx.)
1.42 in. (width) × 3.07 in. (height) × 0.71 in. (depth) (36 × 78 × 18 mm)
Weight (approx.)
0.4 oz (12 g) (Camera Module Only)
Operating temperature
41° F to 95° F (5° C to 35° C)
Operation time (at 77° F (25° C))
Approximately 120 minutes (for a fully-charged CLIÉ handheld is used
continuously with the backlight on)
Supplied Accessories
Installation CD-ROM
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Operations cannot be guaranteed for all computers running in the
recommended environment.
Tro u b le sh o o t in g
Try the solutions listed below before calling for service. If there is still a
problem after trying these solutions, call your Sony dealer or local
authorized Sony Service facility.
t Slide the HOLD switch on the CLIÉ
handheld to cancel the HOLD
Nothing is displayed in
the window.
t Reset the software. Refer to the
supplied operating instructions for an
explanation of this procedure.
Warning of memory
shortage is displayed, and
images cannot be
t Delete unnecessary images in
PictureGear Pocket.
t Delete unnecessary data in other
t Delete unnecessary applications from
your CLIÉ handheld.
Any operation does not
t You cannot perform any other
operations while images are being
recorded. Try again after the recording
process has ended.
t Slide the HOLD switch on the CLIÉ
handheld to cancel the HOLD
t Reset the software. Refer to the
supplied operating instructions for an
explanation of this procedure.
There are lateral stripes, a
ring-shaped pattern, or
lighting spots on the
t The display image may be distorted
due to conditions such as the
temperature or the lighting. Try
moving the camera to different
temperature or lighting conditions.
There are thousands of applications designed for the Palm OS. We do not
support applications produced by other companies (including HACK software
and DA software).
If you have difficulty with an application produced by another company,
consult the developer or the seller of the application.
Customer Support in USA and Canada
For the latest support information,
check our official Sony CLIÉ Web site
http://w w w .ita.sel.sony.com/support/clie/access/
Sony Corporation Printed in Japan
Printed on recycled paper
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